Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Find Your Choice in Studying English Language Learning

Find Your Choice in Studying English Language LearningFor those who are interested in a career in English language learning Boston is one of the best locations to attend school. This city offers a variety of opportunities for students, both in schools and online. While many students attend Boston University or other prestigious universities, they can also be exposed to a wide variety of work options.The same is true for those who would like to attend Boston colleges but do not live near them. Students can always use Boston to pursue online degrees in English language learning. The Internet allows students to find courses and programs that match their specific needs.The New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) provides coursework for those who wish to learn English language learning. They offer an Associate of Arts in English Language Learning program, which focuses on all levels of English language learners. By completing this program students will have the knowledge necessary to g raduate.The English department at Boston University offers both bachelor's degree programs and master's degree programs. These programs are ideal for individuals who desire to go on to further studies. Those who want to get a bachelor's degree in English language learning can receive an Associate of Arts in ESL or English language training.In addition to these programs there are other master's programs offered. Masters in Professional Education and Master of Fine Arts in English Language Learning are two such master's programs. Both of these programs require students to complete a specified number of credits.The Bachelor of Arts in English Language Learning at Boston University also requires a specified number of credits. Students are required to pass a written test, as well as a final examination. Students must also participate in an internship at the student's discretion.The Master of Science in Teaching English as a Second Language at Boston University offers a variety of courses . These courses focus on both theory and practice. Students will also receive intensive study abroad opportunities for students who plan to teach in English-speaking countries.Students who prefer to go to Boston University but do not have a degree in English language learning can complete a number of general education courses. The Bachelors of Arts in Education will provide students with the foundation to further their studies in English language learning. Some students also take courses in psychology, sociology, and other related fields.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Develop Your Skills in Another Career With My Skills Tutor App

Develop Your Skills in Another Career With My Skills Tutor AppIf you are looking for a way to enhance your skills in another career, this app is sure to get you thinking. With the use of your mobile phone, you can enhance your capabilities by gaining instant feedback on your performances. This way, you will not have to wait for years to get to the next level, and you will be able to do it now.Most of us feel that we lack the necessary skills to perform certain tasks. You may not know it but your deficiency in certain areas could really make it difficult for you to excel at what you do. With the use of this skill assessor, you will be able to evaluate your abilities and determine which areas you need to improve. This way, you will be able to quickly identify areas that you could be doing better in.For example, if you are not good at playing piano, then you can use this to identify specific tasks you need to focus on. You may realize that playing piano is something you can improve upon and as a result, you will not need to spend a great deal of time working at it. This means that you will not have to make the same mistakes over again in order to do it.Perhaps you will also realize that your computer skills are weak and you can use this app to get feedback on how you are performing. You can identify areas that you have to work on to gain a better performance level.There are so many other things that you can do with this course as well. You will be able to use this to gain instant feedback on your performance in any area of your life. For example, you may not realize that not only does it help improve your leadership skills, but you will be able to demonstrate that you are capable of doing certain things.These great things will allow you to prove that you are a leader. And at the end of the day, being able to get instant feedback on your skills helps you get better in all areas of your life.There are plenty of ways to keep your skills sharp, and the sooner you star t using them, the better. Why wait any longer to develop your skills in another area?

Friday, March 6, 2020

University of California, Irvine A Student Interview

University of California, Irvine A Student Interview The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Khristine earned her bachelors degree in biological sciences from University of California, Irvine in 2016. Subjects she specializes in include biology tutoring, ACT science tutoring, and others. Check out what she had to say about her time at University of California, Irvine: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Khristine: I lived in the dorms during my first year at UC Irvine, and then commuted for the remaining years. While living at UCI, there are shuttles that most students take if they live in apartments surrounding UCI or if they want to go the gym, which is on the other side of campus. The dorms are located on campus, so students usually walk to class. The campus itself is in the shape of a circle, so it is very easy to walk or bike around campus. Most people just walk, however, so most people who live on campus dont bring a car or bike. The campus is located within a suburban town, and is known as one of the safest cities in America. The environment is very welcoming and has a positive atmosphere. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants at University of California, Irvine? Khristine: It depends on the class and what you are majoring in. Most professors and teaching assistants are fairly helpful, but in some classes you have to make a bigger effort if you need help. Certain majors, such as biology, typically have very large class sizes. Some of my classes had 350-400 people in them, with one professor and a couple of TAs. Both the professors and TAs have office hours, so if you need help, those are good to go to. Not too many people attend office hours, so theyll only be a few people asking questions. Discussion sections, which are led by TAs, are also much smaller than the lecture classes, so it is easier to ask questions then. Academic advisers can be found in their offices, and you can go ask questions by walk-in or appointment. Around the time of registration, the academic advising office can get pretty busy, so its a little more difficult at that time. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Khristine: UC Irvine has two freshman dorms located on campus. The one dorm, Middle Earth, is located in the middle of campus, and is a very quick walk to most classes. The other dorm, Mesa Court, is also located on campus, but more towards the edge, so it takes a few extra minutes to get to most classes. Its still only about a ten to fifteen minute walk. Middle Earth has two dining commons and Mesa has one located inside. As for other dining options, both are relatively close to the student center, which has several other food options. The rooms are normal size for dorms, and already come with some furniture. Living in the dorms is a great way to meet people and make friends your first year, as youll be living with other freshman. There are also several social activities held in each dorm to make it easier for everyone to get to know each other. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported at University of California, Irvine? Khristine: UC Irvine has many different majors, but is well known for Biology. A large amount of students are biology majors, with many hoping to go into the healthcare field. There are also several types of majors within biology, such as neurobiology or human biology, if there is a specific concentration you want to focus in on. I was a biology major, and really enjoyed it. I knew I wanted to go into the healthcare field when I started at UCI, and being a biology major helped me to decide that I really want to go on to nursing. As for the major, the professors are very knowledgeable, and although the major was challenging, I was able to learn a lot. There is a lot of support for this major, and the university does a good job of informing students on different opportunities. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Khristine: Living in the dorms during my first year made it easier to meet people. The summer before my freshman year began, I participated in UCIs summer start program, now called Freshman Edge. This program only had freshmen, and was a great way to meet people. Not as many people do this summer session, so there are less people on campus, and most people became close to the other freshmen they lived with during the program. The summer start program was about five weeks, and there were many social activities throughout the summer. Also, getting involved on campus is a great way to meet people. I never joined a sorority, so I cant speak much to that. There are many clubs on campus that are good to join because youll meet people who are interested in the same activities or organizations as you. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Khristine: I didnt go to the career center much myself, but I have friends who said they were very helpful. They hold many workshops and a couple of career fairs throughout the year. The workshops vary in what theyre about, but include help on resume writing, interviews, and jobs amongst other topics. UCI also has a website called Zotlink, that frequently posts available jobs or internships. It is a great resource where I found several opportunities on. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges at University of California, Irvine? Khristine: There are two libraries on campus that stay open until about 11PM during the week, except on Fridays. The hours are also different during the summer. In addition, there are many study areas throughout campus, with the dorms having their own study rooms. There is also a study room at the student center, as well as several other spots throughout the campus. They are all range in different sizes, but are fairly spacious. During the majority of the quarter, they do not get over-crowded, but during finals it can be kind of hard to find an open space. However, some of the study rooms allow you to reserve a spot ahead of time, which will help make sure you get a spot. Describe the surrounding town. Khristine: Across from campus, there is the University Town Center (UTC). The UTC has several places to eat. There are many things to do around Irvine, with it only being a short drive away from the Irvine Spectrum Mall or South Coast Plaza. There are also a few other shopping plazas and movie theaters that are pretty close to campus, and are great places to hang out with friends. Its also not far from San Diego, and is fairly close to several beaches. Many students like to go to Newport Beach, and some students bike there. Most students who live in the dorms dont have a car on campus, so many dont go quite as far. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Khristine: The entire school has about 30,000 students. Some of the class sizes can be fairly large. A lot of my biology classes had about 400 students in each lecture, so if you have questions, you should really go to office hours. There are only a few majors that have small class sizes. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Khristine: In my last year at UCI, I took a class on insect biodiversity. I was surprised by how much I liked the class. Originally, I only signed up for the course because I needed an upper division biology course, and that particular class was the only one that matched my schedule. However, the professor was very enthusiastic about the material, and I ended up learning a lot. I enjoyed taking a class that still had to do with biology, but was a little different than the rest of the courses I took while at UCI. It was also one of the smallest biology classes I took at UCI, so there was more communication with the professor. Besides learning about different material, we had some interesting assignments throughout the quarter that was a little more hands on. The class itself has nothing to do with what I plan to do in the future, since I want to go into healthcare, but it was nice to study a different aspect of biology. Check out Khristines tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bi Conditional Statement

Bi Conditional Statement A bi-conditional statement is a logical statement which is formed by the combination of two conditional statements. A bi-conditional statement is formed when a conditional statement and its converse are put together and are checked accordingly whether the sentence is true or false. Example 1: Given ifAnna is the mother of Regan, and then Regan is the daughter of Anna. Explain whether the statement is bi-conditional or not. Given statement: If Anna is the mother of Regan, then Regan is the daughter of Anna. We can rewrite the above statement also as: If Regan is the daughter of Anna, then Anna is the mother of Regan. Now let, Statement p = Anna is the mother of Regan. Statement q = Regan is the daughter of Anna. Then we can say that p == q is the same thing as q == p. Hence, we can say that Anna is the mother of Regan if and only if Regan is the daughter of Anna. Hence p == q means that the statement is bi-conditional. Example 2: Given if 4 + 5 = 9, then 9 can be written as the sum of 4 and 5. Is this a bi-conditional statement? Statement p: 4 + 5 = 9 Statement q: 9 = Sum of 4 and 5 Here we can say that, 4 + 5 = 9 if and only if 9 can be written as the sum of 4 and 5. Hence p == qmeans that the statement is bi-conditional.

Congruent Triangles Worksheet

Congruent Triangles Worksheet Congruent triangles worksheet is a collection of problems which involves congruency of one triangle with another. Two triangles can be congruent if any of following rule is established:- 1) SSS ( stands for side, side, side) 2) SAS (stands for side, angle, side) 3) ASA ( stands for angle, side, angle) 4) AAS ( stands for angle, angle, side) 5) RHS (stand for right angle, Hypotenuse, side) Apart from congruent triangles, there is also transformation associated with individual triangles. To understand clear concept, we will take one congruent triangle example and one transformation example. The examples are shown below :- Example 1: Which 2 out of 3 triangles shown below are congruent? Solution: In above figures, the fig (1) and fig (3) are congruent. This is because all the sides of fig (1) is equal to the all the sides of fig (2). Therefore by SSS axiom Fig (1) and Fig (2) are congruent to each other. Example 2: Explain the sequence of transformation from figure 1 to 2. Figure 1 coordinates are (3, 1), (3, 2) and (4, 2) Figure 2 coordinates are (2, 2), (2, 3) and (3, 2) Solution: In the given problem Figure 1 is a triangle which when rotation towards left 90 degrees (3,1), (3,2) and (4,2) = (3,1), (3,2) and (4,1) Then this figure is moved, we get figure 2 (3,1), (3,2) and (4,1) = (2,2), (2,3) and (3,2)

The Best Karaoke Apps for Learning to Sing

The Best Karaoke Apps for Learning to Sing Learn to Sing on your Smartphone with Karaoke Applications ChaptersWhy You Should Use Karaoke AppsAre Mobile Apps and Vocal Coaches Compatible with One Another?There are very few people who’ve ever taken a singing lesson. However, how many of you have done karaoke or had a karaoke evening at yours? With games like SingStar, everyone can be a famous singer for a song or two. While most of us are pretty awful singers and struggle to sing in tune, it doesn't matter how limited your vocal range is when you're singing karaoke!However, have you ever considered practising your singing with karaoke videos or  using apps on your smartphone or tablet to practise singing on your own and with your friends in order to improve your singing voice? You’ll kill it at your next karaoke night!Here’s how to do it: check out some of the best karaoke apps in order to learn how to sing and hit those high notes!Android and iOS.“This app is great! I love it! Smule and Yokee have everything but this app has the most important thing: You can choose songs from your own library of music! Even though the vocal effects aren’t as good as those on Smule, you save a lot of time and storage space on your phone by not having to download extra files” - Redolenze, SingPlay User.Get ready for a singing competition! (Source: Voice: On StageAre you a fan of The Voice and do you dream of taking part? This smartphone app puts you right there on the stage in front of the judges.  There are several tracks available in the beginning including Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars and you can sing along to the words, modify your voice, and try to convince the coaches. You can also record your own version of the songs.The best thing about the app? The more you sing, the more songs you unlock.  While the pro version costs a couple of pounds, it is one of the best Android and iOS apps.“It’s an easy way for amateurs to record and listen to themselves instantly and for free. You can even use vocal effects to improve your voice on your smartphone. In terms of songs available, the options are limitless: there’s something for everyone!” Pearl, The Voice: On Stage UserYokeeWhen you download Yokee on Play Store or the App Store, you can start being the star you’ve always dreamt you were. While the free version is only available for a week, you’ll need to pay a few pounds to continue using all the songs on the app.There’s a good range of songs that are updated regularly. Since it’s based on YouTube videos, you can imagine how many titles are available.  You can sing and record your performance while adding effects like echo or reverb if you want. You can then share your performance on Facebook with your friends and let them rate you.“The sound quality is good. The timing of the words and the music are good, too. Then you record yourself and realise what a terrible singer you are. Fortunately, there are vocal effects to minimise the damage. One thing: You have to pay for this “free” app after 7 days.” Themightymosh e, App User.Sing with apps on your tablet or smartphone. (Source: Mobile Apps and Vocal Coaches Compatible with One Another?As you can see, there are plenty of karaoke apps and audio files available. Can these apps really replace a genuine vocal coach?Yes and no.For those just starting to sing, I’d say no. Even a really good app can’t replace everything you can learn about singing: key, how to not damage your vocal chords, learning to breathe correctly. If you're serious about learning to sing, taking online singing lessons is a good starting point.For experienced singers, a karaoke app could be useful practice when you can’t get to a singing lesson. If you already know how to sing, you just need to practice a few songs, listen back to them, and work on improving. Recording yourself singing is recommended by voice coaches as part of your vocal training.When you first start singing, a simple app won't be enough. You'll have to enlist the help of a professional. (Source: is a great way to practise singing a huge variety of different songs in your own style.A good app (free or otherwise) could be a great addition to singing lessons and help you learn to sing, too. If you record your singing exercises on the app, you can send it to a teacher who'll give you singing tips and vocal techniques you can use for your next audition.Practising karaoke online could help you practise while having fun. Just don’t use the effects to hide your mistakes from your singing teachers!Recording yourself is a great way to get better at singing. You can also see how you perform or show the video to your tutor for feedback during your voice lessons. They’ll be able to see where you’re going wrong and help you with your warm up exercises, breath control, posture, and put you on the path to singing success.You can also take singing lessons online.In short:An app is much cheaper than singing tutorials. While it’s difficult for beginners t o learn with just an app, more experienced singers can use them as a tool for improving.If you’re making mistakes, it’s easy to cover them up. Isn’t that cheating? It depends how you use it. Think of it like makeup.You can sing whatever song you like. If you don’t like that one, choose another.Sing! Karaoke by Smule seems to be the most popular app. It also seems to be the most complete app.Finally, don’t forget that if you want to learn to really sing, an app can’t do everything. However, when combined with regularly singing lessons, this could really help you to progress.Are you an aspiring vocalist? You should also check out the best tools for recording your voice.Find  singing lessons in the UK with Superprof. Whether you're taking  Singing lessons London,  Singing lessons Edinburgh, or  Singing lessons Manchester you can find the best vocal coaches in the UK with us.

Science Tutoring-Explore the Adventures of Science with Science Tutoring Online

Science Tutoring-Explore the Adventures of Science with Science Tutoring Online 0SHARESShare Science is a mysterious subject which needs guidance to explore its mysteries and come out with excellent grades.   No need for you to worry, as online portals are at your elbow to help you gain victory over the science Tutoring riddles. Tutor Pace is the right portal for you to unveil the secret codes of Science and emerge successful in the subject doing. Science tutoring-your next door neighbor to help you Tutor Pace’s Science tutoring experts see to it that you learn the concepts of Science in a clear way without confusion. Science Tutoring displays an array of solutions for the incumbents for their learning shortcomings with their online support. Chemistry tutoring online-way to do Chemis It is always a bundle of equations and formulas and to unravel them, you need a tutor’s advice and Tutor pace comes a great way in this angle. Chemistry tutoring online from Tutor Pace is a great boon for those who struggle with balancing Chemistry equations or need to go over an old concept for better grasping of the subject with the help of science Tutoring. Physics tutoring- easy grasp of difficult topics Physics tutoring online is an essential aspect of learning Physics in all Grades. Tutor Pace offers amazing solutions for your difficult areas in learning Physics. Thermodynamics or Work and Energy- whatever be the topic, they help you with online tools and resources that come handy in boosting your test and assignment scores. They provide step by step explanations for all one word problems with solved answers and examples. Tutor Pace  has unique solutions for learning Science with its Science tutoring online. [starbox id=admin]